Where Are You Leading the People Who Are Following You?

There are people following you. You are leading them somewhere. You’ve probably heard those words before. You’ve probably denied that they are true, even though you know otherwise. Whether we like it or not, whether we want it or not, there are people following us and...

The Older I Get, The Better I Was

Isn’t it interesting how baseball guys tend to misremember the facts of their careers? The same old stories get better and better with every retelling. “The older I get, the better I was.” In most cases, it’s for effect and is entirely innocent. However,...

Thinking You’re Something or Being Something

He was something. Or at least he and others thought he was. He looked the part, talked the part, convinced everyone that he knew what he was talking about. Upon closer inspection, he hadn’t really done anything in the game, didn’t have anyone who cared to...

Do The Announcers Know What They’re Talking About?

I’ve gotten more skeptical as I’ve gotten older. I guess that’s just normal. In the past, I would watch a game and just take for granted that the announcers calling it knew what they were talking about. After all, they played at some point, right? Or...

A Good Word

Sometimes failure is all you can see. I can’t get a hit, can’t get on base, can’t make a play, can’t get anyone out. As a player, I’m terrible. We don’t understand the game, can’t execute under pressure, and surely can’t...