Dealing with a Know-It-All

I coached a guy once who knew it all, at least in his own mind. I played with guys who knew it all, at least in their own minds. I’ve been that guy who knew it all, at least in my own mind. What do you do with that guy? Check out Proverbs 23:9–Do not speak...

How to Know if You’re a Fool

His swing was broken, but he wouldn’t listen. Somehow, the plummeting batting and on-base averages weren’t enough for him to admit his need for help. Not only that…his life was broken, too. A series of rebellious decisions, in the face of pleading...

Never Talk to the Fans

I’ll never forget the insults hurled our way by the teams we went on the road to play. Some were creative. Some were funny. Some were personal. Some were sober. Most were probably drunk. All wanted a response. Here’s some good advice from the Scripture in...