Proverbs 1:23a “Turn to my reproof…”

The hardest players to coach are the ones who see no flaws in their game. It’s not always because they are arrogant, but just that they’ve had so much success they see no obvious reason to change anything. Perhaps they’re right. Perhaps there’s nothing to change. But pointing out flaws isn’t what coaching is all about. Sometimes, even the good players need coaching, just to be sure they stay on the path they’re on, just to be sure they keep the good things going.

The hardest thing for good players to do is to ask for and submit to coaching. But, this is exactly what the wisest players do. They know that a coach sees what they may not. They know that the coach is for them, wants to help them, and desires to see them be even better than they already are.

Even Hall of Fame players need the encouragement, and even correction, that a coach provides.

Yet, the good coaches know that players can’t be coached without the player’s permission. They must want it, ask for it (in essence), and turn to it.

Learning from the Lord is the same way. There are some reading this who see nothing else they need to learn. Things are going well for you. Your life is exactly the way you want it to be. You aren’t necessarily arrogant, but whether you know it or not, you’re heading down an unwise path.

Unless you are intentionally seeking God each day, going after his wisdom, asking him to fill you with his Spirit, you’re drifting toward arrogance, disobedience, and hardship.

Perhaps in baseball, but more importantly, in life, it’s time to ask for some coaching, even if you don’t see why you need it right now. Are you willing to go daily to the Lord and ask for his direction and wisdom? That’s what he wants for you.

Lord Jesus, I don’t even know where I need your wisdom and direction right now. From all I can tell, things are going ok. But, I don’t want to be arrogant. I need you every day. Show me. Amen.