Ground ball to second base. Runner trots down the line, knowing he’s out. Coach explodes.

No surprise there, right? We love guys who play with passion, who wear their emotions on their sleeves. The guys who seem ho-hum about things drive us crazy.

Passion on the field is desirable. Every coach wants a team full of players ready to run through a wall for him.

While there’s no excuse for a lack of hustle, baseball isn’t a “passionate” sport. It’s more peaceful, pastoral even.

In that, it reflects Proverbs 14:30–“A tranquil heart is life to the body, but passion is rottenness to the bones.”

Try hitting a baseball when you’re angry or really excited. Tense muscles are slow muscles. Playing the game requires relaxed focus. Emotional instability results in poor play. And, as we see in Proverbs 14, it results in poor quality of life.

How much peace to you have right now in life? How up and down are you? How much does uncontrolled “passion” control you?

God designed you to rest in him each day, not to be controlled by untamed emotions. Sure, emotions are allowable, but remember what the proverb says: a tranquil heart brings life, even to your body. You know that’s true.

Peace like that comes first from being at peace with God through His Son Jesus. It comes second through daily trusting that God is in control. It comes third through your responses to the ever-changing circumstances and people in your life.

Life or “rottenness” in your bones. Spend time with the Lord today to receive his peace.

Lord Jesus, you said to come to you for rest and for peace. That’s what I’m doing. Settle my soul. I want you in control. Amen.