One of the greatest gifts a coach and/or parent can give to a young player is help in being content with who that player is. Far too often, players strive for something they are not. The short, lean player tries to emulate the bigger, more powerful hitter. The bigger player tries to play a speed game. Neither scenario works because it is a refusal of facts and therefore a denial of reality. If only the smaller player would take advantage of his smaller strike zone and speed. If only the larger, stronger player would wait for a pitch to drive. Instead, many players try to be something they aren’t. As a result, they work on all the wrong things.

I’m amazed at how relevant the Bible is in discussing subjects like this. Proverbs 30:24-25–“Four things are small on the earth, but they are exceedingly wise: the ants are not a strong folk, but they prepare their food in the summer…” (NASB).

We have much to learn from the ants. They are content to be ants. Content to do what they can do. And to do it well. Though they are small, they are diligent, working hard at what God has given them. They don’t try to be birds or dogs. They are just ants. Though they may seem insignificant, the Bible holds them up as a great example of great wisdom. Instinctively, they gather food, build anthills, and complete the role for which God created them.

How many of us are striving to be something God did not create us to be? How many of us are jealous of other players on the field and other people in life? How many of us are tied up in knots over what God has not given us or what he has not done for us or what we cannot do? How many of us are missing out on the incredible life God wants for us?

Maybe it’s time we took a lesson from the ants and became content with the kinds of players and coaches God made us to be. Maybe it’s time we quit worrying about the gifts and skills we don’t have and begin to give what we do have to God for use in his incredible plan. Being content with what God has given you opens doors we have yet to imagine or experience.

A player trying to be something he is not is a waste of talent. Likewise, a person not content with who and how God has made him is a waste of a life. Take your discontent to the Lord and ask him to transform you.

Here’s a prayer:

Heavenly Father, there are times when I don’t like who I am and what I can (or can’t do). Sometimes I wish I had a different skill set and gifting. Yet, I realize that you have designed me the way I am for a specific purpose. I may never make the Big Leagues or gain recognition as a coach. I may never preach a sermon or sing a solo or lead thousands of people to Jesus, but please show me how to just be who I am for your glory. Amen.