Diamond Devotion–July 1

Once upon a time, there was a coach (or a parent). He was the kind of coach to be admired. Wise. A quick thinker. Patient with others. Humble. He’s the guy for whom everyone wanted to play. He’s the one everyone wanted to emulate. And then something...

Diamond Devotion–May 1

Every coach can tell stories of uncoachable players. There is honestly nothing more frustrating than a player who has some potential, but is unwilling to listen and implement instruction. Some are skeptical about what they’re being told. Others are simply...

Diamond Devotion–April 1

Baseball is a practical joker’s game. Highlight reels are filled with the antics of players, from the classic “hot foot” to bubble gum on the hat. In most cases, it takes more than one player to pull off the best pranks. For example, several years...

Diamond Devotion–March 1

Various elements of baseball season are underway or on the horizon in my world. College Season is approaching conference play. High schools are counting the days until games begin. The World Baseball Classic starts today, which means that Opening Day isn’t far....