Where We Find Our Fun

They each had equal talent and equal opportunity. Their careers, however, went vastly different directions. One found his “fun” in following the crowd and his natural inclinations. The other decided his “fun” would be in walking a path of...

Three Potentially Detrimental Distractions

Why is it that so many great youth league/travel players fail to keep being great? It’s always fascinated me. To be sure, some are great just because they’re bigger and stronger, but what about the guys who are truly good players at that young age? They...

Can We Play Pickle?

They are relentless. Or, at least they used to be. “Can we play pickle?” Every day after practice, this was the question. In other words, “Can we run back and forth between two bases and get extremely filthy while trying to avoid being tagged...

The Guys at the End of the Bench (Why Do We Play, part 7)

First of all, you have to read the following comment from Coach Al Summers. Al was gracious enough to stop by the Baseball Pastor site and interact with me a few weeks ago. His words are incredibly insightful and could stand alone in this post. (Note: Al’s...

Why I Thank God for Baseball

I love to watch my son play baseball. For him, it’s a great joy to play a game he loves. It’s fun, not work. He loves to be around his buddies and simply play. Some of his happiest moments have come through simply playing a pickup game with friends in our...