Late May and Early June signal the culmination of high school and college baseball seasons. It is the season for dogpiles on the mound, championship trophies, and getting sized for rings. For many teams, the pinnacle of the sport is just a game or two away. For these players and coaches, the current and supreme focus is winning, and rightly so.

Whereas the scoreboard is clear and winning is supreme in sports, neither is so in life. In life, does winning mean making the most money, driving the nicest car, living in the largest home, having the most degrees? How can it be defined? The scoreboard seems to be ever-changing and nebulous. Yet, so many place supreme value on such things, only to be disappointed when gaining them does not bring the feeling promised. If such things are supreme, they will always be elusive and slippery.

Scripture shows us a different approach. Proverbs 4:7–“Wisdom is supreme–so get wisdom. And whatever else you get, get understanding” (HCSB).

That’s incredible. All this world has to offer…and the Bible tells us that wisdom, something you can’t hold in your hands, is supreme. Of course, the wisdom here is not from years of study in fields of philosophy or even theology. It’s the wisdom that comes from the knowledge of God (not about, but OF). It comes from living life daily with your Savior. It is gained through failure, through seeking it, through learning from the Bible, through those who have already obtained some of it. God’s wisdom is supreme. There is nothing you can gain that is more valuable. It shows you your sin, God’s grace, and the hope you have of new life.

Whatever else you get, get understanding. What a statement. We get lots of things, even good things. Let’s not leave behind what God says is of incredible importance.

Here’s a prayer:

Heavenly Father, I want the wisdom that you have to offer. I don’t want to just know about you (or guess about you), I really want to know you. I want to live life with you daily. Teach me through my failures, through your Word, through godly people what it means to know you and give all that I am to you. Amen.