It’s OK Not to Hate Everyone

Childhood can be a cruel experience for some kids. If they aren’t the right size or shape, don’t wear the right stuff, can’t do the right things, or can’t make friends with the right people, they can find themselves on the outside looking in...

The Guys at the End of the Bench (Why Do We Play, part 7)

First of all, you have to read the following comment from Coach Al Summers. Al was gracious enough to stop by the Baseball Pastor site and interact with me a few weeks ago. His words are incredibly insightful and could stand alone in this post. (Note: Al’s...

What Makes a Good Teammate

Think back to your youth league experience with your teammates. Play. Chew gum. Get a snow cone after the game. Then goof around some more until your parents made you leave. For those in it or past it, consider your high school playing experience. Long hours of...