Every Kid Needs a Baseball Hero, but…

Every baseball kid has a hero. Johnny Bench, Barry Larkin, Cal Ripken. Those were mine. Every kid needs someone to pattern his game after, someone’s posters on his walls, someone who he dreams of playing like one day. Every baseball kid also needs to know that...

Baseball Is a Simple Game

Baseball is simple, really. The point of offense is to avoid making outs. The point of defense is to get outs. If a team is proficient at both of those will make winning a difficult endeavor for its opponents. A team that understands those simple concepts finds itself...

Visualizing the Game

About an hour or so before every game I played, I spent time visualizing what was going to happen in the game. Of course, I didn’t know exactly what would happen, but I knew I would come to the plate, play the field or pitch, run the bases, and so on. Before a...

Rewards from God

Sometimes, you’ll get a very tangible reward in this life for something you do. Sometimes, it will go completely unnoticed. Sometimes, you’ll wonder why you’re living the way you are. Sometimes, you’ll think you’d just be better off to...

Addition by Subtraction

Players, until you’re paid to play the game, your performance never overshadows your attitude. Coaches, until the guys you’re coaching are paid, you should never allow performance to overshadow attitude. I’ll admit, this is a fine line. And...