Winning with People You Hate

There are some who say team chemistry doesn’t matter. Just get the best players you can find, put them on the field, and success will follow, regardless of whether or not they like each other. Honestly, it’s hard to argue with that. Talent is talent, even...

Playing for Papaw

I’ll never forget the summer of 1994. These many years later, it stands out to me. It resonates not only because of a state championship won that year with great teammates. An equally vivid memory is the subsequent “summer ball” played one last time...

How Will You Treat the Guys Who Can’t Play?

God has a special place in his heart for the “have-nots.” From the Old Testament to the New, he has strong words for those who disregard or mistreat those whose lot in life is much less than desirable. Specifically, the Scripture speaks of those whose...

Why I Thank God for Baseball

I love to watch my son play baseball. For him, it’s a great joy to play a game he loves. It’s fun, not work. He loves to be around his buddies and simply play. Some of his happiest moments have come through simply playing a pickup game with friends in our...

Diamond Devotion–May 17

Imagine for a second the following scenario: with a regional championship game looming, a coach goes over the scouting report with his team. He discussed how they will pitch, defend, and operate on offense against the other team. Details are presented on each opposing...