Getting Ready for Next Season

Coach, Are you ready for another season? For many coaches, the off-season has begun. Instead of games, the focus is now conditioning, strength training, and possibly working with individual players on certain skills. Conferences and clinics are on the way. As coaches...

Two Questions Every Coach Must Answer

Recently on ESPN’s “Mike and Mike” show, hosts Mike Greenberg and Mike Golic had a spontaneous and fascinating debate. Essentially, the debate boils down to this: Are “successful” coaches at the highest level (NCAA vs. NBA was the...

Learning to Lose (Why Do We Play, Part 9)

I hate losing. I never handled it well. I’ll probably always hate it, but I’m coming to understand what an incredible teacher it is for players, coaches, and parents. Instead of making you cynical, instead of making you a quitter, losing can develop in you...