Part of the art of coaching is the ability to break a player down and build him back up again. Breaking him down doesn’t mean demoralizing him, but instead means showing him how his ways aren’t going to work. Building him up doesn’t mean just making him feel better, but instilling in him a lasting confidence based on truth.

When Jesus entered his earthly father’s life, he disrupted every fiber of Joseph’s existence. Nothing was, or would ever, be the same. There must have been many times when Joseph wondered why it all was happening, why all the change and upheaval, why him. He might have even gotten a little frustrated, despite God’s reassurances along the way. God was breaking him down, for sure. But God was also building him back up again.

There was no disruption in Joseph’s life that God didn’t infuse with meaning and purpose. His marriage plans were disrupted, but his wife was carrying the Son of God. His career plans were disrupted, but his son would be far more than a carpenter. His security was disrupted, but he talked to angels. His religion was disrupted, but he experienced God in a far deeper way.

History shows us that Joseph isn’t unique. Scores of leaders, preachers, missionaries, and Christians everywhere have had their lives disrupted, only to be given far greater meaning and purpose by Jesus himself. Disruption and meaning are to be the norm for the Christian life, not the exception. This is for all of us, not just the spiritual ‘elite.’ If we are not experiencing disruption and meaning from Jesus, it is perhaps because we do not truly know him or we have forgotten what it means to love and follow him closely.

Lord Jesus, disrupt me. Give me meaning and purpose based on devotion to you and the crucified life you bring. Amen.