There’s more to it than making out a lineup, writing a practice plan, or teaching guys how to properly run the bases. Wrapped up in the title of “Coach” is a variety of roles that go far beyond what most understand.

A good coach is a mentor, friend, cheerleader, disciplinarian, negotiator, and much more. In fact, the job description never really ends. It morphs and changes into whatever role is necessary in the moment. To be a coach is to be far more than just a coach.

Before listing the family history of Jesus, Matthew introduces him as “Christ,” the Son of God. “Christ” means “anointed one” or “Messiah.” Just as we casually call someone Coach as a title, we often do the same with Jesus, tacking on “Christ” as if it were his last name.

It’s not his last name, but his title and a description of the various roles he plays for us.

You see, in that list of ancestors were prophets, priest, and kings, people who played various roles for God’s people through the centuries. None played all the roles and none played even one role perfectly.

That’s where Jesus comes in.

He is the Messiah, the perfect and final prophet, priest, and king rolled into one.

The Prophet who speaks God’s word perfectly, who in fact is God’s word perfectly displayed and lived.

The Priest who, instead of making a sacrifice for the people, becomes the sacrifice for his people.

The King whose kingdom is open to even the worst of us.

When we call him Jesus Christ, we are declaring and confessing that we need him to be our prophet, our priest, our king. We are admitting that we have failed in these roles in our own lives and need the One who is perfect, the Messiah sent from God to be who and what we cannot.

We need a Prophet, a Priest, a King. In Jesus Christ, we have all three.

Lord Jesus, speak your word to me, remind me of your sacrifice for me, and rule my life as my king. I love you. Amen.