Sometimes late in a game, especially a close game, the team leading on the scoreboard will employ an unusual defensive positioning. It’s called a “no-doubles” defense. The idea is that, by positioning the first and third basemen behind their respective bases–and very close to the foul lines–a fluke double can be prevented. If the game is close, this can be particularly important, since a single runner in scoring position can rally the offensive team to tie or take the lead. So, the infield takes away the lines and the outfield takes away the gaps, thus containing the offense and preserving victory. That’s the idea.

Proverbs 2:8 shows us God’s no-doubles defense for our lives. “…(he is) guarding the paths of justice, and he preserves the way of his godly ones.”

Verse 7 actually references God as a shield for those he calls his own. Just as a coach cares about preserving victory for his team, God cares about preserving “the way” for those who follow him.

Just like a no-doubles defense, though, some of God’s ways might look a little odd at first. Trust who you can’t see? Obey even when it doesn’t make sense? Endure patiently the suffering you now experience? Refuse to go along with what seems to be overwhelming public opinion? Believe in a savior who died?

Yes. No doubles, God says…”trust me, it might at first appear to be odd and unconventional, but I know what I’m doing.”

Right now, you’re probably wavering on something. Maybe God’s no-doubles approach in your life–his guarding of your victory–doesn’t seem to make any sense. Maybe there’s something–anything–you’d rather do than trust and obey his word.

Remember one thing, he is God and you are not. We might not at first understand what he’s doing, but his endgame is always justice, always our preservation. Walk in his way, even when it seems unconventional. His word is always meant for your good, to prevent disaster and to preserve you until the end. Trust him today.

Lord Jesus, I place my faith in you, even when I don’t see what you’re doing. Thank you for what your word protects me from and provides for me. I trust you today. Amen.