In our age of social media, we often get glimpses of the best and worst from the world of baseball. Thankfully, there are still players and coaches who use their platforms and money to give help to those in need. Equipment, fields, and experiences all come through the generous giving of those within the game. Kids who would otherwise not play, go without needed equipment, or never have the chance to get near a big league field realize those dreams every year because of players and coaches who give.

Proverbs 19:17 talks about this–“He who is gracious to a poor man lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his good deed.”

Whether or not we have the money that comes with playing in the Majors, we can give as the Lord has given to us.

So, this week:

Give to someone who needs what you have. Plan it. Do it on a whim. Whatever. Give. Your time, your resources, your knowledge. Give.

Give with nothing expected in return. Most likely, the person who receives your gift won’t ever be able to repay you. Give anyway.

Give more than a handout. “He who is gracious…” That’s beyond just stuff or money. Give grace. Give yourself. Give Jesus.

Give without letting anyone know you gave. Jesus talked about that in Matthew 6 when he said not to let the left hand know what the right hand is doing. Give in secret, he said, so that the Heavenly Father can truly reward you. If we make a big deal of our humble giving, it’s probably not that humble or genuine.

Give and let God handle the reward. We give because God gave. We give because it pleases God. We give because he will reward his way and in his time.

God gave as a demonstration of his love for us (see John 3:16). Let’s give like he gives.

Lord Jesus, teach me to give the way you give. Selflessly, completely, sacrificially. Amen.